Intense 365 Month 3: Take Action
Let me start by saying I barely remember what day or month it is anymore. It’s like life is becoming this horrid time loop that is running out of Netflix shows, getting hotter, and now apparently is stuck in the ’60s without the free love.
Like many, I was busy trying to live my best life 2020 style (which was already it’s own dumpster fire) and not get overwhelmed by what the world was throwing at me like an assistant to a beginning knife thrower.
Then all of a sudden
one of those knives hit
I could no longer take the pain I was taking in, I was staying informed and educating others, but I was not consistently taking action. I was angry and scared, but I was doing nothing about it.
If you have ever been in a situation where you were fearful or upset, you must have realized that doing nothing made it worse.
Were you scared of a virus? What did you do?
You washed your hands more,
You limited your contact with a lot of people
You TOOK ACTION to help the situation
and made yourself feel a little better.
In a horror movie, you run, until you can’t anymore, then you stop and turn around to fight.
When was the last time a horror movie ended with the monster just giving up?
There is a monster loose.
(spoiler alert: it’s Racism in the form of Police Brutality)
I have run long enough, and there is no place to hide.
I am beyond tired, but it’s time to stand up and fight.
No one gets to feel safe ‘till we all feel safe.
Thus, this month’s challenge is to take action AT LEAST 3x’s a month.
“Cause I want to start with an achievable goal that I won’t find any way not to follow thru with for the rest of the year. Plus, we all need to keep our energy up. You avoid burnout by taking breaks and having a “long game” plan.”
“Cases like the ones that came to light recently are unfortunately happening every day. Those in towns all across America need people like all of us to also demand their justice, via phone calls to their Governors, Senators, District Attorneys, and Police Chiefs. Those are things you can do while folding your laundry.”
Check out my new page: “Resources for Change” for a place to start
If you called repeatedly and waited on hold for the unemployment office, Amazon to complain or your bank to ask questions, then you can do the same to bring justice to someone who is already supposed to have it.
You can educate yourself, practice some humility, and ask that of others in your community.
Donate your time, your money, and your voice.
Like I always try to impart, start from where you are at and keep going.
Living Intensely 365 isn’t just my hashtag; it is my life.
Make it yours.
If you are just joining in, you can start today.
Make this month your first month
Read more about the rules here.
Next month choose what you want to do for you, or follow along with me!
Either way, I’m here for you and support you on your journey to a better version of you.
-Intensely yours