Intense 365: Month 1 Look Closely at your Dietary Substitutions

Intense 365 Month 1: No 4C’s (No Chips, No Crackers, No Cookies, No Candy)

How is it going!?!

What is hard about no snack life or drinking more water, or waking up earlier, or not eating 2 of the above C’s and other things people DM’d me about what they are planning to do?

If even STARTING is part of the problem, please remember that the beauty of this is you can start at any time.

Anyways if what you are doing is diet related I would like to point out an interesting thing starts happening when you deny yourself something, we often we look for substitutions.

While this can often be a perfectly great way of coping with a change, we can often end up choosing something just as bad or worse than the thing we were avoiding.

E-cigarettes anyone?

Click for more facts

Click for more facts

Let’s take me yesterday.

Crap grocery store pizza

I am not usually a big pizza person, in that outside of the land of the slice, I have little interest in your Papa John’s, Dominos, Pizza Hut or whatever else the “rest” of the country does for pizza.

But, for whatever Neanderthal reason I found myself in the grocery store my monkey mind had me craving a call back to more carefree days filled with salt and food piled on a delivery system floating on carbs and cheese. I reasoned that it “wasn’t on my list” (yet) and may as well enjoy it while I can… hmmm yeah, but also no.

For me, this is my second go around for Intense 365, and the 4C’s (previously 3)

and the C’s came about in the 2nd month because the first month I was noticing the first parameter I set (no work snacks) wasn’t working because I was substituting poorly around it. Thus I needed to double down the next month.

It exposed some cracks in the armor and got me better aware of what really needed fixing.

Regardless of how you are doing so far, I encourage you to PAY ATTENTION, to what are you doing “around” the challenge that is helpful or hurtful to your overall state of being.

This is NOT an all or nothing thing, this is a process.

This is a tool for change, so use it how it’s designed.

You got the whole year to perfect your approach so if it seems to not be working yet or you see you’re sabotaging yourself a bit, think about it and use that info to aid in NEXT MONTH’s challenge.

Leave a comment, tell me how it’s going!

I wanna know what your first month’s challenge is and what you are thinking you want to add for the next month.

If you are just getting started, remember your year starts whenever you decide!

As for me in my own way while I did salvage some of my dignity by at least getting some quite excellent New York style Pizza locally you won’t be seeing me again for a good long while!